Convicted murderer Susan Wade returned to court today to be sentenced by Judge Donald Shelton. Wade, 49, pleaded guilty but mentally ill in May to second-degree murder for stabbing 86-year-old Ronald Mason to death on June 9, 2012. On Tuesday, Washtenaw County Trial Court Judge Donald Shelton sentenced her to 20 to 40 years in prison.
Judge Shelton told Wade he had trouble understanding how she could put this much pain on her family. The fact that Crossman was the one who discovered the murder baffled Shelton. “What you did to your father was, and is, unforgiveable,” Shelton said. “What you did to your own daughter is almost beyond comprehension.” Wade at sentencing stated "I wish I could have the death penalty"
Because she pleaded guilty but mentally ill, Wade will either be treated by the Michigan Department of Corrections or the Michigan Department of Community Health, depending on a doctor's recommendation.
Judge Shelton told Wade he had trouble understanding how she could put this much pain on her family. The fact that Crossman was the one who discovered the murder baffled Shelton. “What you did to your father was, and is, unforgiveable,” Shelton said. “What you did to your own daughter is almost beyond comprehension.” Wade at sentencing stated "I wish I could have the death penalty"
Because she pleaded guilty but mentally ill, Wade will either be treated by the Michigan Department of Corrections or the Michigan Department of Community Health, depending on a doctor's recommendation.