Responsibilities of sex offenders under SORA:
- Offenders must report in-person to their local law enforcement to verify their address according to the following schedule:
- Tier 1 offenders must verify once a year during the first 15 days of January, and register for 15 years.
- Tier 2 offenders must verify twice a year during the first 15 days of January and July, and register for 25 years.
- Tier 3 offenders must verify four times a year during the first 15 days of January, April, July, and October, and register for life.
- Offenders must report the following information within three business days:
- Change in residence or domicile
- Any temporary lodging information other than their residence for more than seven days
- Change in place of employment or discontinuation of employment
- Vehicle information for vehicles owned or operated by the offender and discontinuation of ownership or use
- Legal name changes
- Email addresses and screen names
- Enrollment at an institution of higher learning or discontinuation of enrollment
- Offenders must provide the following information during their next verification period:
- Any new telephone numbers and discontinuation of telephone numbers
- Copies of passport and/or immigration documents
- Occupational licensing information