Most people arrested for a DUI in Michigan end up taking a DataMaster test. This result will be the main evidence against you at a possible trial. This is why it is so important for your DUI attorney to get every piece of information about how things went, and if all rules were followed properly.
- If you took a DataMaster breath test, was the DataMaster instrument located at the police station or in the squad car (an alcohol enforcement unit)?
- What was the score? Do you have the DataMaster evidence ticket printout with you?
- Was the arresting officer also the DataMaster operator? Was anyone else available to perform the test?
- Did you eat, smoke, vomit, belch, or ingest any alcohol in the 15 minutes preceding the test? Was the DataMaster operator close enough to you during that time to determine if you did any of the above? Did he or she watch you the entire time? Was the DataMaster operator ever completely out of your presence during the observation period?
- Did you have any bleeding in the mouth area? Did the DataMaster operator ask you? Did he or she check your mouth?
- Were you ill or running a temperature?
- Were there any radio transmissions taking place near the DataMaster instrument that you know of?
- Were two tests given to you? Did you refuse the second test, or did the DataMaster operator tell you it was your option to take it?
- Were you given the results of the test? Verbally or in writing? If you did not receive them, did you ask for the results?
- Was a third test given?
- Did the DataMaster operator ever express surprise at the results?
- When did the test begin and end? How long after the arrest?