Filing a Lien - Michigan Forfeiture Proceedings
If a vehicle is seized in Michigan, you can request that the court require the seizing agency to file a lien against the vehicle and return it to you pending the outcome of the criminal proceedings. The court must hear the motion within seven days after it has been filed. If you've established at the hearing that you hold legal title or has a leasehold interest in the vehicle and that it is necessary for you or a family member to use the vehicle pending the outcome of the forfeiture action, the court may order the return of the vehicle to you. If the court does order the vehicle to be returned, it must order you to post bond in an amount equal to the vehicle’s retail value and must also order the seizing agency to file a lien against the vehicle.
The forfeiture is subject to the interests of secured parties who did not have prior knowledge of or consent to the commission of the violation. The unit of government that seized the vehicle must sell it and dispose of the proceeds in a specified order of priority.
The forfeiture is subject to the interests of secured parties who did not have prior knowledge of or consent to the commission of the violation. The unit of government that seized the vehicle must sell it and dispose of the proceeds in a specified order of priority.