Novi Michigan DUI - Drunk Driving Statistics
According to the Michigan State Police Drunk Driving Audit for 2012. Judge Robert Bondy of the 52-1 District Court handled 272 drunk driving cases in his courtroom. There were 256 convictions which were 65 for Operating While Intoxicated, 115 Operating While Visibly Impaired, 2 for Zero Tolerance DUI, 3 for Michigan Endangerment of a Child DUI and 7 for Operating With the Presence of Drugs.
The average jail sentence by Judge Robert Bondy was 22 days for Operating While Impaired, 1 for Impaired Driving and 18 for Operating While Impaired. It appears 16 total DUI cases were dismissed in Judge Bondy's courtroom and there is no record of any acquittals at trial. Fines and costs for DUI cases with Judge Bondy ranged from $586 to $2073.
The average jail sentence by Judge Robert Bondy was 22 days for Operating While Impaired, 1 for Impaired Driving and 18 for Operating While Impaired. It appears 16 total DUI cases were dismissed in Judge Bondy's courtroom and there is no record of any acquittals at trial. Fines and costs for DUI cases with Judge Bondy ranged from $586 to $2073.