The 14A-1 District Court is typically referred to as the service center or the Pittsfield Township Court. This particular court handles all felony matters prior to the heading to the 22nd Circuit Court. Information about that process can be found earlier in this book, for now we’re only going to focus on how the court handles misdemeanors.
The Pittsfield Township District Court presides over Pittsfield Township, Augusta Township, Superior Township, the Village of Barton Hills and the City of Ypsilanti. Judge Richard E. Conlin currently presides over all the misdemeanors at the 14A-1 Court, and the prosecutor is either the Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office or the Pittsfield Township Prosecutor.
Like other courts in Washtenaw County, the arresting police agency will usually determine who the prosecutor is going to be. The most common police agencies with this court are the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office, Michigan State Police and Pittsfield Township Police Department. The three most common offenses I see in this court are drunk driving, retail fraud and possession of marijuana.
This court is really good about scheduling and moving things around, along with granting permission to travel during your case. This is one of the few courts in Michigan where it truly feels like a client is innocent until proven guilty. Judge Conlin treats clients with a lot of respect, and clients come away with a good feeling about the process. Both prosecutors are good to work with, and handle cases in an equitable manner. Here are two examples of how cases are handled at the 14A-1 District Court
The Pittsfield Township District Court presides over Pittsfield Township, Augusta Township, Superior Township, the Village of Barton Hills and the City of Ypsilanti. Judge Richard E. Conlin currently presides over all the misdemeanors at the 14A-1 Court, and the prosecutor is either the Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office or the Pittsfield Township Prosecutor.
Like other courts in Washtenaw County, the arresting police agency will usually determine who the prosecutor is going to be. The most common police agencies with this court are the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office, Michigan State Police and Pittsfield Township Police Department. The three most common offenses I see in this court are drunk driving, retail fraud and possession of marijuana.
This court is really good about scheduling and moving things around, along with granting permission to travel during your case. This is one of the few courts in Michigan where it truly feels like a client is innocent until proven guilty. Judge Conlin treats clients with a lot of respect, and clients come away with a good feeling about the process. Both prosecutors are good to work with, and handle cases in an equitable manner. Here are two examples of how cases are handled at the 14A-1 District Court