Charged with an MIP in Ann Arbor?
If you are charged with Minor in Possession Michigan in Ann Arbor, your case will be at the15th District Court. The courthouse is located at 301 E. Huron Ann Arbor, MI 48104. The judges at the Ann Arbor District Court are Elizabeth Hines, Joseph Burke andChristopher Easthope. The prosecuting attorney in Washtenaw County is Brian Mackie, but that's only if you're prosecuted by the county. A lot of cases in Ann Arbor are charged by the Ann Arbor City Prosecutor. Each one of these has their pros and cons, and we will discuss how this impacts your case. Michigan law states that a minor may not purchase, consume, possess, or attempt to do any of those things or have any bodily alcohol content. Any bodily alcohol content is defined as either (1) an alcohol content of .02 grams or more per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210 liters of breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine or (2) any presence of alcohol within a person’s body from the consumption of alcoholic liquor. Possible penalties for a Michigan MIP include the following: | - fines ($100 for first offense; $200 for second offense; $500 for subsequent offenses) - court costs ($150–$700) - probation (four months to two years for subsequent offenses) - community service (10–100 hours) - probation oversight fees ($30–$50 per month) - alcohol education - victim’s panel (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) - substance abuse treatment/counseling - drug/alcohol testing - preliminary breath tests (PBTs) (may be ordered on a regular basis—daily, weekends, holidays ($5–$12 per test)) - random drug urine screens (may be ordered ($12–$70) |