Retail Fraud/Shoplifting in Novi Michigan - 52-1 District CourtIf you've been charged with Retail Fraud in Novi Michigan for the very first time, this doesn't make you a criminal or a bad person. I see clients on a daily basis who have have never been been arrested in their life. It's quite common that a good person will get themselves in a bad situation, which results in being charged with Retail Fraud in Novi.
The crime of retail fraud is by far the most common offense for a first offender. It's disheartening to sit across from a person who can't explain why they committed the crime, and they wish could go back in time and not make the same mistake. A conviction for retail fraud could be extremely damaging for keeping or getting a new job. This is where I come into play - I can help you move forward without this mistake affecting the rest of your life. It is quite possible to keep this incident off of your criminal record When you first call me, I will want to know about your past, and if you have a criminal record. From there, I will want to know where this happened and who was involved. We will begin the fact gathering process together, and start to put together our comprehensive game plan. From there, we will order all of the police reports and evidence in your case. We may be able to track down video and audio, and if necessary will get a private investigator involved to build your various defenses. As a former prosecutor, I will begin working with the prosecuting attorney to explore all of your options. This will be a two part defense; one we will work to defeat your case either by a dismissal or a not guilty verdict at trial; two I will work on getting you the best possible plea deal on the table as a backup plan. You will have options, and together as a team, we will decide your best path for your case. Part of working with the prosecutor and judge on negotiating a way to keep this off of your record and to avoid jail, is the client following my unique proactive approach. This is mandatory to be considered as a client of mine. I only want to work with clients who want to strive for an exceptional result rather than settling for an average result. I look forward to tailoring a unique plan to your background and your case, and we will set goals together. |
Call Me: 248-924-9458 |