Call Me: 248-924-9458Michigan DUI Traffic Stops - When Can a Cop Pull Me Over for Drunk Driving?In the typical drunk driving scenario, the driver has had too much to drink and a police officer has observed the driver committing some civil infraction, such as making a turn without signaling, driving on the wrong side of the road, or speeding. Having observed the civil infraction, the officer can without question lawfully stop the vehicle. In other situations, the traffic stop is made only to investigate the suspicion of a crime. An investigatory stop of this sort is constitutionally permissible only when the officer observes conduct that reasonably allows him or her to conclude that criminal activity is afoot.
The officer then approaches the driver and asks for his or her driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. At this point, the police officer may notice signs of intoxication. Perhaps the driver fumbles with his or her papers, smells of intoxicants, or has slurred speech or bloodshot eyes. The driver is asked to exit his or her car to take some field sobriety tests as part of an investigation to determine whether the driver is under the influence of or impaired from drinking alcohol. |
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