Alcohol/Drug Testing in Novi - Judge Bondy, Mackenzie & Powers
If you're on bond with the 52-1 District Court in Novi for drunk driving, you will be testing for drugs and or alcohol during your case. If you miss a test or fail a test, Judge Bondy, Powers or Mackenzie will have you appear before them for either a show cause hearing or a probation violation hearing. The judges in Novi will consider a missed test to be a failed test, and could increase testing or throw you in jail, and set a high bond for your release.
If you miss a test, you should immediately go be tested even if it will be considered late. Better to appear before a judge after missing a 9 am test with a 10 am negative test then no test at all. Although oversleeping or transportation issues seem like reasonable excuses, testing is essentially zero tolerance in Novi, but better to test late than not test at all. If you're really late for your test, go take an ETG, which will allow a look back of about 72 hours.
My clients are usually testing for both drugs and alcohol prior to appearing before a judge, which allows you to settle into the process without the pressure from the court. This early testing will usually result in less testing from the judge than you would have received if you didn't proactively start on your own.
If you miss a test, you should immediately go be tested even if it will be considered late. Better to appear before a judge after missing a 9 am test with a 10 am negative test then no test at all. Although oversleeping or transportation issues seem like reasonable excuses, testing is essentially zero tolerance in Novi, but better to test late than not test at all. If you're really late for your test, go take an ETG, which will allow a look back of about 72 hours.
My clients are usually testing for both drugs and alcohol prior to appearing before a judge, which allows you to settle into the process without the pressure from the court. This early testing will usually result in less testing from the judge than you would have received if you didn't proactively start on your own.